| 1. | Extraordinary meetings may be called when necessary 必要时,得召开临时会议。 |
| 2. | Notice of extraordinary meeting 22 november 2005 特别股东大会会议通告2005年11月22日 |
| 3. | Theres to be an extraordinary meeting of the nobility and a levy they say of ten per thousand “明天,皇帝要举行贵族非常会议,据说,每千人中抽十人。 |
| 4. | It will be convened at least once each semester ; extraordinary meeting will be convened when necessary 第四条:本会每学期至少召开一次,必要时得召开临时会。 |
| 5. | It will be convened at least once each semester in principle ; extraordinary meeting will be convened when necessary 第四条:本会原则上每学期召开一次,必要时得召开临时会。 |
| 6. | The lowering of the threshold for the requisition for convening an extraordinary meeting by minority shareholders under section 113 降低小股东根据第113条请求召开特别大会的最低规定。 |
| 7. | In the event of important issues , an extraordinary meeting of the standing council may be convened upon the decision of the chairman or by the joint proposal of at least one third ( 1 / 3 ) members of the standing council 如有重大事项,由会长决定或三分之一以上常务理事共同提议,可以召开特别常务理事会。 |
| 8. | The executive committee may whenever they think fit convene an extraordinary meeting and an extraordinary general meeting shall also be convened on the requisition of not less than three executive committee members 基金理事会可在他们认为适当的情况下随时召开理事会特别会议,特别会议的召开至少需要三名理事在场。 |
| 9. | Regular and extraordinary meetings shall be held when called by the directors or statutory auditors or by shareholders representing 20 % of paid - in capital , unless by - laws provide for a smaller percentage 董事和法定审计师和都可召开定期或临时鼓动大会。除此之外,除非公司规章规定了更低的百分比,否则占总股份20 %的股东即可召开股东大会。 |